Good evening everyone.
This is another quick on the fly update just for the purpose of sharing an image from a shoot we did yesterday for a local hairdresser. The owner of the business wanted to approach one of her suppliers for the purpose of showcasing her hairdressing and styling skills. That’s cool.
So the lighting for this shot was just a single Nikon SB-900 shooting through a portable Lastolite collapsible Ezybox 60cm softbox. The flash was being triggered using another SB-900 on top of my Nikon D700 using CLS.
The lens however was one that I don’t use very often, but it’s a great bit of glass and an awesome portrait lens. It was my Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro. I’d use this lens more often but it is too long to use in our studio as we cannot get full length shots with this focal length; 70mm is the longest focal length for that. Oh yeah, to clarify, this shot was taken on location at the hairdressers premises. We simply used one of the walls as the backdrop.
The lighting style is just a simple Rembrandt set-up. One light. No fuss. Just make sure that you get the model to turn their head slightly to the direction of the light. No, wait – thats not entirely correct. Where the model positions their head is entirely up to you and the particular effect that you are going for. I have done some awesomely attractive shots in the past where the model is looking down and away from the light and the end result has been really yummy. So – its up to you. But... you can see how the end result looks when the model does turn their head to the light.
So this shot is wide open at f/2.8. Click on the image at the top of this post to see it a bit larger - it does it better justice. I like it. Just wanted to share that. Good night.
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