Sunday, October 4, 2009

Are you Hungry?

Hmmm… what to write this week. One thing is for sure – it has been hard to try and do anything photography related in the last few days. My day job has been crazy busy and is taking up pretty much all of my time lately. I had even brought home stuff to do over the weekend while I would otherwise be perusing photography related activities… that’s gotta stop!

One good thing to come of all this though is that it has really fuelled my enthusiasm for photography. I’m hungry for more. Right now as I am typing this I am hatching a little plan in my head to do a location fashion shoot this coming weekend. I have had a spot picked out for some time now that has never really come to fruition but I think I have procrastinated long enough… so more on that soon.

Time to do a little preaching; to myself, just for a minute anyway. I hope I am not the only one out there that feels this way. If you are honest with yourself I hope you can relate to this for a moment too. But whenever I am away from photography, even if it is just for a short time, I tend to get in a bit of a hardcore rut. I start to take a look back through recent shoots, recent clients and recent personal projects. I start to get down. I think that I am the worst photographer in history. None of the images I take look any good in my opinion. I try different shoots – different ideas and with different models. Nothing seems to work. Can you imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon a video by one of my peers Zack Arias. He had made a fantastically inspiring video called “Edit: Transform”. It appears that I am not the only one that feels like this from time to time after all. Have a look…

The strange thing is that Zack is a phenomenal photographer. Have a quick look at his blog. One word describes his work; awesome. Awesome in the biblical sense. Wow. How can this guy feel the same as me? I guess we are all human huh.

So, with Zack’s narrative soundtrack lingering in my mind, I plan to get out there as much as I can this next week. Like they say – when you feel like you’ve been bucked off the horse, the best thing to do is get back on. That’s me. Hi-ho Silver!!

I’m going to finish this weeks post with a quick little tutorial video. It describes how to do a quick 5 minute make-over on a portrait image using the Spot Healing Brush tool in Photoshop CS4 and then the Soften Skin Adjustment brush tool in Lightroom 2. Why do I use both programs to edit one image? Well, Lightroom has a spot removal tool, but it’s more for removing sensor dust spots from a series of consecutive images. What I want to do is a unique in-depth edit on one image; that requires Photoshop. Anyway I hope the video tells a story for you. I know the sound is really awful... just turn your headphones up a little bit... sorry!

Ok everybody – have a great week ahead. I might see you out there. I’ll be the one with the camera around my neck…

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