Hey – guess what? It’s another quick blog post! I think I have had sufficient time to catch my breath from this weekends activities. As some of you know, I ended up getting a slight reprieve in that two of this weekends six shoots got postponed due to models being ill or otherwise unavailable. That’s fine, the client has re-scheduled for a couple of weeks time, so that’s good.
The wedding shoot went well, even though I ended up getting soaked – twice – while shooting the bridal party in the middle of Kings Park. The chauffer came to the rescue of the bridal party with a swag of huge golf umbrellas under his arm, but nothing for the lowly photographer I’m afraid. Suffice to say that I can tell you all with full confidence that the Nikon D700 D-SLR camera body and SB-900 Speedlight are definitely 100% “weather-proof”!! As for the SB-800 speedlight being used as a remote off-camera light via Nikon i-TTL and my Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 lens – well so far so good but I am keeping an eye on them; especially the lens. I really hope no moisture managed to work it’s way inside the body of the lens. I took it, along with everything else out of my (damp) camera bag as soon as I got back, letting it just re-acclimatize to room temperature without excessively altering its temperature in the hope that any potential moisture issues will just go away. I used that lens for two studio shoots this morning and again this afternoon for the beach shoot and all was ok, I did not notice any unusual flare or distortions, so fingers crossed…
Oh yeah, the beach shoot. As those of you with a keen eye may have noticed, the image I have attached to this blog post was taken from the last shoot of this hectic weekend. Layla is a brand new model whom I was happy to provide a start to her portfolio. I tried to keep the lighting as subtle as possible for this shot and I think I did it pretty well. Layla is being lit on her left side by my Nikon SB-900 in wireless i-TLL mode. I wanted to keep the aperture fairly wide open for this shot, so I used the high speed flash sync (AutoFP is I think what it's called) feature Nikon are famous for. The camera was set to aperture priority mode, ISO 200, 1/1600th second shutter speed @ f/4.0. I dialled in -1 stop exposure compensation for the flash. I like the way this image looks naturally lit, only the shadow thrown by Layla’s left arm against her torso gives it away. It was quite bright this afternoon so I wanted to use a really fast shutter speed to tone down the exposure instead of having to resort to shooting at f/22. I think I managed to achieve that!
I really had fun, amongst all of the stress this weekend. I really am disappointed that it’s back to the grind in a few short hours. Needless to say I am looking forward to doing it all again, very soon; this coming weekend is looking almost as busy at this stage! Bring it on I say… After all, one only becomes a better photographer by taking more images, and more… and more… you get the picture (pun intended).
Ok, I’m outta here again, catch you all later.