Hey everyone
Remember how I said that I had finally reached a gap in my schedule that would allow me a little time off and give me the opportunity to blog a bit more, make some more videos and share a bunch of stuff? Well, um… d’oh…
Don’t get me wrong. I’m really loving the fact that my photography business has blossomed so much. I’m even more loving that fact that we have morphed our business from one very specific genre to become the one-stop-shop for photography. Call us “generalists” if you will. I love the diversity, the challenge and the rewards when I produce some really nice images for my clients.
The downside is that my spare time at the end of the wedding season has gone by the wayside. I find myself looking for alternative means to catch up on stuff, to keep up with the game. Which is a lame kind of segway into this blog post…
I just wanted to let you all know about a really cool weekly webcast by Scott Kelby and crew at Kelby Media called The Grid. It’s a live weekly webcast as I mentioned, so it actually airs at midnight here in Australia. Don’t fret however, you can download it free on iTunes and watch it later, which is what I do. It’s a really cool show, with lots of interesting topics and some great giveaways. Have a look.