Hi guys. Just a really quick post tonight. I haven't really got any images to share, other than the iPhone snap that you see to the right. I haven't got any new gear to talk about (but give it a couple of days for that one lol). No lighting tips or words of pseudo wisdom for you all.
Nope, tonight's post is just a little something insignificant that I wanted to share. Something that has really been lacking for me lately is the luxury of taking a little time for... me.
Between photography, family, day jobs and everything else in between it has been hard to sit back, take an outside view and think about our next step. Reflect on where we are thus far. Plan where we are taking the business next. So, what the [bleep] am I doing sitting in a coffee shop in the departure lounge you ask? Good question actually.
You see I came here to the Perth International Terminal a month or so ago with a good mate to shoot some time-lapse movies of the planes loading and unloading on the tarmac. That’s nothing special I know but I have been back now several times on my own and I have to say that I am addicted to the vibe of this place. Everyone is so relaxed. They're all going on holidays or have just come back and are rested and refreshed and relaxed. If I had to sum up this place in a word, it would be relaxing. Weird I know huh, but that’s exactly how I feel after sitting here for an hour or so. It’s really addictive I gotta tell you. I really wish I could explain it, but this place just keeps drawing me back.
The next couple of weeks are going to be really busy for me and Timography. We have a bunch of shoots booked and we are launching something really special. A whole new look. I think it’s going to be pretty special. The new proverbial leaf.
So I’m enjoying the break for now. I’m going to revel in sitting back, sipping my coffee and just bathing in the atmosphere of this place. I love it.
Take care, keep shooting what you love and I’ll talk to you soon.