Hi everyone. This is a really quick blog post just to let you know that if you;
a. Own a Digital SLR camera
b. Love using it
c. Want to learn how to use it more effectively
d. Are trying to figure out how to use Photoshop (CS3 or CS4)
Then you HAVE to look at this new series of ongoing video podcasts called “D-Town TV” by Scott Kelby and Matt Koslowski. You can find their website here or alternatively they are on iTunes too.
These guys are two of the best known photo-education personalities on the internet at the moment. They have done lots of shows before including (the ongoing) Photoshop User TV and Lightroom Killer Tips series of video podcasts.
The first series of D-Town TV was Nikon-centric and an amazing resource for ALL things to do with your Nikon D-SLR. Over 24 episodes they covered far too many topics to list here. The name “D-Town” came from the fact that every Nikon D-SLR model name has a “D” prefix.
However, they are now on their second series and the “D” has been replaced to stand for “Digital”; i.e., the show is now about all things digital photography related. Cool. This means that they now cover a whole range of topics that are relevant no matter what your brand of camera is. They are also going to be covering a bunch of Photoshop and Lightroom tips as well as studio lighting tips, location lighting, gadgets and gizmos – the list goes on.
Go on, give them a go. You will not regret it!
PS- that is officially the most hyperlinks I have placed into a blog post to date… :o)