For a very long time now I have wanted to update my website. I needed to throw a few new clients images into the galleries to keep them fresh. But I have really wanted to change the galleries from the somewhat lackadaisical FrontPage galleries to cool looking Flash galleries. In the world of photography it seems that if you don’t have some flash content in your website somewhere then you just don’t have a proper website.
I like to think of my motives to upgrade my site as not submitting to peer pressure, oh no, but rather just following my peers and learning from what seems to work for them. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
I had tried to do upload some flash galleries in the past with little success. I had originally created my website in FrontPage, as I am very deficient in the HTML department and this wonderful little program from Microsoft came to the rescue (was bound to happen sooner or later!) But I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to make galleries with flash content.
Then I discovered that Lightroom 2 had a really nice web flash gallery module. I managed to create a gallery just fine but still couldn’t get it where I wanted it to be – on my site!
Enter stage left a valued mate and blog reader who had the smarts to help me out – and the fix turned out to be pretty easy too. I can use FrontPage as my FTP client and just drop the flash galleries in the appropriate place on my local drive, change a hyperlink or 3, upload the whole thing and it does the rest. Fantastic. But enough of that.
I tried to do an “all nighter” to get all the new galleries uploaded and also create a new set of Gallery sub-pages for those who don’t have flash. I uploaded all the flash pages but I just couldn’t get there with the html pages. I’ll get to that tomorrow, I mean later on today. I need sleep.
But change is great – a new start if you will. Do you agree?
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